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Cari Lirik

Nirvana The Man Who Sold The World

N / Nirvana / The Man Who Sold The World

"The Man Who Sold The World"

We passed upon the stair
Kita naiki tangga
We spoke of was and when
Kita bicara tentang masa lalu 
Although I wasn't there
Meskipun saat itu aku tak ada
He said I was his friend
Dia bilang aku ini temannya
Which came as a surprise
Yang tentu saja mengejutkan
I spoke into his eyes
Aku bicara dengan menatap matanya
I thought you died alone
Kupikir kau tlah mati sendirian
A long long time ago
Dahulu kala

Oh no, not me
Oh tidak, bukan aku
We never lost control
Kita tak pernah hilang kendali
You're face to face
Kau berhadap-hadapan

With The Man Who Sold The World
Dengan Lelaki yang menjual dunia

I laughed and shook his hand
Aku tertawa dan menjabat tangannya
And made my way back home
Dan berjalan pulang
I searched for foreign land
Aku mencari negeri asing
For years and years I roamed
Bertahun-tahun aku berkelana
I gazed a gazeless stare
Aku memandang kosong
We walked a million hills
Kita daki jutaan bukit
I must have died alone 
Aku pasti tlah mati sendiri
(I must have died alone)
(Aku pasti tlah mati sendiri)
A long, long time ago
Dahulu kala

Who knows?
Siapa yang tahu?
Not me
Bukan aku
We never lost control
Kita tak pernah hilang kendali
You're face to face
Kau berhadap-hadapan
With the Man who Sold the World
Dengan lelaki yang menjual dunia


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